Direct Investments

The most important field of activity of the SymbioSwiss Club of Entrepreneurs is that of direct investments in high potential companies. SymbioSwiss generally acts as a co-investor along side with other partners. It often has a minority stake holding, but is quite proactive in the life of the portfolio’s company or the projects involved.

The SymbioSwiss Club of Investors, under the leadership of its Strategic Board, operates as follows:

  • It screens and selects attractive opportunities
  • It supervises the elaboration of a robust and realist business plan
  • It co-invests and looks for external financing (such as family offices, institutional investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms, banks and others)
  • It helps setting-up the management team
  • It looks for opportunities to use its network to accelerate the growth of the company, its commercial development and its geographical expansion.
  • It supervises the implementation of the business plan through periodic and timely business reviews.

Depending on the situation of each company or project, SymbioSwiss Management may actively participate in the conceptual design, detailed business plan preparation, management, marketing strategy, production, sales development, territorial expansion, HR/legal/IT and financial figures. It can second staff to the sister companies for a limited period or ensure, against a management fee, certain shared services activities.


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