Swiss-Africa Chamber of Commerce


SWISSCHAM-AFRICA is the Swiss African Chamber of Commerce for Trade and Investments for Swiss Companies and Institutions promoting Trade and Investments in African Countries. But also for African Companies prompting Trade in Switzerland and Europe.

SWISSCHAM-AFRICA believes that the private sector plays a key role in the economic development of African countries. For this reason it promotes and fosters trade and investments for Swiss Companies in Africa.

SWISSCHAM-AFRICA is a member of EBCAM (European Business Council for Africa and the Mediterranean). In this respect it aims the Swiss Industry to find partners in the European Union, active in Africa and so a closer contact to informations about activities of the European Union in Africa. Also contacts to International Organisations like NEPAD,ABR, African Union and the United Nations Organisations. It corporates in particular with the International Finance Institugions and private Banks in Europe and Africa. But also contacts to the local Swiss Organisations like SECO, OSEC, SDC, SIFEM, SERV, SAFEL etc.


Claude Béglé is an executive member of the Board of Swisscham-Africa.


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