R20 Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Organization:

The R20 Regions of Climate Action is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 by (then) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and other global leaders in cooperation with the United Nations. The R20 is a coalition of partners led by regional governments that works to promote and implement projects that are designed to produce local economic and environmental benefits in the form of reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; strong local economies; improved public health; and new green jobs. These local actions can help the world achieve our shared global environmental and economic goals. “R20 is not just another NGO or network of regions, it is much more than that. It is a real coalition of forces which believe that climate change and green economic development can be tackled at the subnational level.” — former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the Global Journal, May-June 2011.
The R20 world headquarters are based at Versoix, near Geneva, in Switzerland.

SymbioSwiss Involvement:

The Executive Chairman of SymbioSwiss, is an implicated ambassador of the R20. Through Symbioswiss and his role of ambassador he promotes the organisation by speaking at various events, he identifies and selects a number of projects that are synergistic with the Regions 20 mission and participates on an ad hoc basis to several R20 initiatives.
Claude Béglé and other SymbioSwiss staff, are helping some of these projects to scale up by applying a business approach in a non-profit environment.


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